Original Fiction: Until The Apocalypse (Older Teen)

Fandom:  Naruto
Characters:  Naruto, Sasuke
Pairing:  Naruto / Sasuke
Rating:  Older Teen / Mature
Genre:  Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Warnings:  Implied Sex, Sub/Dom References, Swearing (The *F* word)
Author's Note:  This is a very short poem, and only contains references to a sexual relationship, and a swear word, so I'll post the whole thing here, but if you wish to read it on my Archive Of My Own page, then click the link!!
Synopsis:  No names, asexual... let it be whomever your imagination wishes it to be!! I wrote this for my husband one Valentine's Day... but he didn't appreciate it, but then he's a philastine!! Hope you guys appreciate this better... XD

Pretty please, down on my knees,
Won't you make me your slave forever.
You know I'll go, if you tell me so,
But my heart and soul are owned by you.

So please...
Don't let me go.
Don't set me free,
Collar me!!

Wrap the chains of your love around me,
Tie me up in your heartstrings.
Whip me with your passion,
Fuck me with your soul.

I am yours 'til the end of time,
Eternal slave to your love.
Possess me totally, my precious Master,
Say 'Yes', and take me now.

And we will be together,
'Soul Mates'.
Death will not part us,
Until the Apocalypse.

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Cara (aka) Lady Flame
HOT by name, HOT by nature.
