Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction: Sunset (Teen)

Fandom:  Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters:  Spike, Xander Harris, Other
Pairing:  Spike/Xander, Other Vampire/Mortal Pairing
Rating:  General / Teen
Genre:  Supernatural / Vampire
Author's Note:  This is a very short poem, and contains no adult content, so I'll post the whole thing here, but if you wish to read it on my Archive Of My Own page, then click the link!! I also made a desktop wallpaper back then, which is a photo manip created by me, featuring this poem.
Synopsis:  Although no names are mentioned in the poem, it was written for a S/X wallpaper that I created, however, since no names are mentioned it could be any vampire/mortal pairing of your choosing.
As the sun dies,
In bloody skies.
So I rise,
From cold marble slab.

I leave my dusty crypt,
Seeking your warmth.
For though I may not walk in day, 
I have found the heat of the sun in your love.

Cara (aka) Lady Flame
HOT by name, HOT by nature
