Original Art: Gothic Lolita Usagi (Teen)

Fandom:  None - Original Female Character
Characters:  Usagi
Pairing:  None
Rating:  General / Teen
Genre:  Anthro / Furry
Artist's Note:   I've had a thing for creating Greetings Card illustrations & verses for a while now, (though there isn't a verse for this one), and this is my original anthro female character Usagi, rocking a gothic lolita style dress & hat, and a basket of treats for Halloween!! This is a re-working of Easter Bunny Usagi, done for a competition on devART for Halloween 2014.

Halloween Usagi by Lady-Flame
Gothic Lolita Usagi
Click the thumbnail to see full image & blurb on my deviantART page, it opens in a new tab... 💞

Cara (aka) Lady Flame
HOT by name, HOT by nature

