Original Fiction: Crazy Jane (Older Teen)

Fandom:  None - Original Poetry
Characters:  Crazy Jane
Pairing:  None
Rating:  Older Teen / Mature
Genre:  Angst, Dark, Hurt/Comfort
Author's Note:  This is a very short poem, and contains no adult content, so I'll post the whole thing here, but if you wish to read it on my Archive Of My Own page, then click the link!! I have had some dark moments in my life, even been almost suicidal at a VERY young age, when I started being bullied after the death of my Dad... but I know that if I had truely given up all those years ago, then I would have also missed out on some of the best moments of my life!! BTW, I wasn't a cutter... but I did self-harm.
Synopsis:  Accept the madness inside your soul, for it is inside every one of us...
Angst, with a ray of hope!!
Insane in the membrane,
That's Crazy Jane,
Up in flames,
Got no brains.

A few screws loose,
Not playing with a full deck,
She's the Joker,
Trying to replace those missing cards.

Failing, falling, spinning round,
Twisting, turning, taking, breaking,
Shattering into a million shards,
The pretty glitter dust of her mind.

Blood flowing, crimson red,
Sharp edges cutting delicate hands,
Gasping breaths in desperate sobs,
Tears tinkling like cut crystal in a pretty dreamcatcher.

But her dream has turned to nightmare,
Now she's cold and alone,
Down on her knees, causing pain to her flesh,
To ease the pain of a broken heart, and a broken mind.

Crimson lines drawn over those turned pink and silver with age,
On top of arm, on belly, and inner thigh,
Battle scars of the war of life,
Hidden and never spoken of.

They say you learn from past mistakes,
That time heals old wounds,
That with age comes wisdom,
But within her mind she is forever young.

A child trapped within a hall of mirrors,
Reflecting images of her shattered soul,
Twised by time and circumstance,
She no longer knows which one is the real her.

And to tell the truth she no longer cares,
Crazy Jane, insane in the membrane,
No blessed silence of the grave did cure,
But the bustle of life, and love of man and child.

Sanity is over-rated, excentric to the max,
The meaning of life is simple,
To live, to love, to feel pain, and sorrow,
You must embrace both light and darkness...

Accept the madness inside your soul,
For it is inside every one of us...
Cara (aka) Lady Flame
HOT by name, HOT by nature
